Melina Laboucan-Massimo
For Creative Mornings Vancouver, Melina presented the story of her work, studies and campaigns in Brazil, Australia, Mexico, Canada and across Europe focusing on resource extraction, climate change impacts, media literacy, energy literacy and Indigenous rights & responsibilities.

Re-evaluating our relationship with Nature during COVID-19
Melina Laboucan-Massimo is Lubicon Cree from Northern Alberta. She is the founder of Sacred Earth Solar and the Campaign Director at Indigenous Climate Action. She has worked on social, environmental and climate justice issues for almost 20 years. Melina worked, studied and campaigned in Brazil, Australia, Mexico, Canada and across Europe focusing on resource extraction, climate change impacts, media literacy, energy literacy and Indigenous rights & responsibilities. Melina is also a Fellow at the David Suzuki Foundation with a research focus on Climate Change, Indigenous Knowledge and Renewable Energy.

Melina holds a Masters degree in Indigenous Governance at the University of Victoria with a focus on Renewable Energy in Indigenous communities. As a part of her Masters thesis, Melina completed a 20.8 kW solar installation in her home community of Little Buffalo in the heart of the tar sands which powers the health centre. Melina also works on the issue of Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women after the suspicious death of her sister Bella, whose case still remains unsolved. Melina is the host of a new TV series called, Power to the People which documents renewable energy, food security and eco-housing in Indigenous communities and is currently airing nationally on APTN. For more information visit SacredEarth.Solar &

- Wikipedia: Melina Laboucan-Massimo
Creative Mornings

Partners & Resources
- Thomas Beckman
- Creative Morning Field Trips
- WordPress
- Basecamp
- Corrina Keeling (Graphic Recorder)
- Wosk Centre for Dialogue
- Vancouver Asian Heritage Month Society
- Illustration by David Habben
- Twitter: @Vancouver_CM
- #cmnature
- Hoovie
- #separatelytogether
- David Beckingham
- Linkmind Vancouver
- Clean Energy BC
- Bullfrog Power
- What is Run-of-River?
- Run of River Power
- Ontario repeals the Green Energy Act
- Creative Mornings: Kevin Caroll
Graphic Recording by Corinna Keeling
Creative Mornings Vancouver on Twitter
May 1st, another virtual event from #CMVan, with our guest speaker Melina Laboucan-Massimo (@Melina_MLM), founder of Sacred Earth Solar and the Campaign Director at Indigenous Climate Action.
— CreativeMornings/Van (@Vancouver_CM) April 27, 2020
Register and link (to Zoom) will come in an email.#CMNature @DavidSuzukiFDN
Great to hear a live streamed performance from local Vancouver artist Thomas Beckman (@Thomas_violist), playing a great looped song, and a bonus piece from Bach. ❤️#CreativeMornings #CMVan #CMNature #Music
— CreativeMornings/Van (@Vancouver_CM) May 1, 2020