Public Relations

Public Relations

The London Globalist: Reconciliation Is Dead – Coronavirus and the Fight for Indigenous Rights in Canada.

Public Relations on “Canada Day”

A very happy #CanadaDay to all our Canadian followers! July 1st marks the national day of Canada, with celebrations taking place across the country.

A Modest Proposal

The Nazis learned industrial-scale dehumanization from Canada’s bureaucratically architected apartheid system.

Canada’s Indian Reserve System served as a policy of Indigenous genocide preceding the Nazi concentration camps of World War II.

Extraction Empire
Globally, more than 75% of prospecting and mining companies on the planet are based in Canada. Seemingly impossible to conceive, the scale of these statistics naturally extends the logic of Canada’s historical legacy as state, nation, and now, as global resource empire.

A Canadian Patriot

Incorrect. They learned it from what had been happening for ten or so years next door in the Soviet Union. And what happened to Native people in Canada bears so little resemblance to the Holocaust or Rwandan that to call it genocide is Orwellian propaganda.

A Modest Rebuttal

So, you believe the monarchy and the propaganda they have been feeding their royal subjects for 153 years?

Have you heard of the Berger Inquiry?

Berger Inquiry
Berger Inquiry
<p>No scheduled events</p>\n
Kinder Morgan and Lessons from the Berger Inquiry | The Tyee
Four decades ago, the Mackenzie Valley pipeline inquiry showed what real consultation looks like.

Ghosts of Futures Past - Tom Berger in the North

A Canadian Genocide

Dene Chief Frank T'Seleie - Mackenzie Valley pipeline/Gas Project in 1975

Posted to Facebook on November 27, 2014 at 6:53 PM

Dene Chief Frank T'Seleie - Mackenzie Valley pipeline/Gas Project in 1975. Full text of speech before the Berger Commission.

We know that our grandchildren will speak a language that is their heritage. We know they will share their wealth and not hoard it, or keep it to themselves. We know they will look after their old people, and respect them for their wisdom.

We know they will look after this land and protect it, and that 500 years from now, someone with skin my colour, and moccasins on his feet, will climb up the ramparts and rest, and look over the river and feel, that he, too, has a place in the universe. And he will thank the same spirit that I thank. That his ancestors have looked after his land well. And he will be proud to be a Dene.

It is for this unborn child Mr. Berger, that my Nation will stop the pipeline. It is so that this unborn child can know the freedom of this land, that I am willing to lay down my life.

Mr. Berger - as Chief of the Fort Good Hope Band, I want to welcome you and your party to Fort Good Hope. This is the first time, in the history of my people, that an important person from your Nation has come to listen and learn from us. I believe you are an honest man. I believe you are a just man, Mr. Berger. Whether or not you're a businessman, or your government believes that a pipeline must go through our great valley...let me tell you, Mr. Berger. Let me tell your Nation that this is Dene land. We, the Dene people, intend to decide what happens on our land.

Mr Berger there will be no pipeline. There will be no pipeline because we have our plans for our land. There will be no pipeline because we no longer intend to allow our land and our future to be taken away from us, and that we are destroyed to make someone else rich.

There will be no pipeline, because we, the Dene people, are awakening to see the truth of the system of genocide that has been imposed on us and we will not go back to sleep.

We do not say we are better or worse than the white man. We are proud of who we are, proud to be Dene, and loyal to our Nation. But we are not saying we do not respect you and your ways. We are only asking now, as we asked you then, to let us live our own life, in our own way on our own land, without forever being threatened by invasion and extinction.

We do not want to have to fight and struggle forever, just to survive as a people.

Obviously, Mr. Blair, President of Foothills, and his friend Mr Hording, President of Gas Arctic, want to see us destroyed. Maybe Mr Blair, that is because you do not know us, or understand us. Or maybe money has become so important to you that you are losing your own humanity. Why are you trying to force us to be like you. You are directly responsible. You are the 20th Century's General Custer. You have come to destroy this Dene Nation. You are coming with your troops to slaughter us and steal land that is rightfully ours.

You are coming to destroy a people that have a history of 30 thousand years. Why? For 20 years of gas. Are you really that insane?

Posted by Richard Menec on Thursday, November 27, 2014

Mackenzie Valley pipeline: 37 years of negotiation | CBC News
When the National Energy Board approved the long-awaited Mackenzie Valley gas pipeline in December 2010, it was just the most recent hurdle in the almost four-decade history of the project.
Mackenzie Valley pipeline project officially one for the history books | CBC News
The joint-venture proponents behind the Mackenzie Valley Gas Project have ended their partnership, bringing to a close the dream of a Mackenzie Valley pipeline, and its potential wealth effect.

The Berger Inquiry

“The history of the Indian people for the last century has been the history of the impingement of white civilization upon the Indian: the Indian was virtually powerless to resist the white civilization; the white community of B.C. adopted a policy of apartheid. This, of course, has already been done in eastern Canada and on the Prairies, but the apartheid policy adopted in B.C. was of a particularly cruel and degrading kind.”

“They began by taking the Indians’ land without any surrender and without their consent. Then they herded the Indian people onto Indian reserves. This was nothing more nor less than apartheid, and that is what it still is today.”

—Thomas Berger, 1 November 1966

Canada’s Apartheid

“In fact, there is sufficient evidence to suggest and confirm that South African government officials received direct information, influence, and inspiration from Canada and its Native reservation system in conceiving and establishing spatial methods of racial segregation.”

The Canadian genocide has been working as designed for 153 years. The USA and the Nazis were fighting over who could be the most powerful fascists. The USA won the war and became the North American fascists with Canada as a puppet state. Why else would we buy a Texan pipeline?

The Nazis tried to grow the Third Reich between 1933 to 1945. That is only 12 years. Canada was able to legalize their apartheid state and run it for the past 153 years. But the genocide started as soon as the Papal Bull, the Doctrine of Discovery, was issued in 1493.

Learn your history. There is no comparison between the Nazis and Canadians. We have been doing this for over 500 years. We have had a lot of practice and we have it down to a fine art. The legal system is a perpetual motion machine of genocide.

Here is a very well-researched excerpt from the book, Extraction Empire. Read this, then get back to me on your whitewashing of 500 years of Western European colonialism.

Canada’s Apartheid | Lapsus Lima
Lapsus Lima | Landscape Architecture | Pierre Bélanger & Kate Yoon lay bare Canada’s role in the settling of “the Native question”, at home —and at large.

The research is documented by MIT Press in Extraction Empire.

“Globally, more than 75 percent of the world’s mining firms are based in Canada.”

Canada was formed from the Hudson’s Bay Corporation. It was built to extract resources for the British Crown.

Since the British Crown lost its global influence by abdicating its power and handing it to the United States of America, Canada now serves the USA as the resource extraction corporation that supplies the raw materials and fuel to run the American military-industrial complex.

Since Americans have mastered the art of genocide, Canada is, therefore, implicated in every military coup, bombing, and act of genocide that the USA has engaged in, from the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to the Facebook sponsored genocide in Myanmar.

Facebook slammed by UN for its role in Myanmar genocide
<p>In the wake of the midterm elections on Tuesday, tempers seem to be running hot at the White House: Attorney-General Jeff Sessions, who drew the president’s ire by recusing himself from the Russia investigation, handed in his resignation on Wednesday at the request of the president, not long afte…
Facebook Admits It Was Used to Incite Violence in Myanmar
The company, citing a human rights report it commissioned, said it was moving to prevent further abuses of its platform in Myanmar. Critics said they were unconvinced.
‘Overreacting to failure’: Facebook’s new Myanmar strategy baffles local activists
As Facebook tries to address its role in spreading hate speech, human rights experts criticize fresh ban of ethnic armed groups

Your problem is that you think too small. Think about the big picture and the social, economic, and political forces that are converging at this moment in a psychological and digital warfare between the superpowers of the world, USA and China.

China’s Tech Revolution
Is a new wave of innovators and entrepreneurs transforming China, and the world? Presenter Reggie Yates travels to Shenzhen, China’s ‘City of the Future’ to find out if this is the future of the human race.

The age of conventional warfare is over. This is the age of digital/psychological warfare. You have been duped by the asymmetry of power that corporations have over your thoughts and behaviour. As Tristan Harris puts it, large tech companies hold the joystick for human behaviour.

Your Undivided Attention Podcast - Center for Humane Technology
In this podcast, Tristan Harris and Aza Raskin explore the intersection of technology and human nature by interviewing a wide range of guest experts.

The war is already being waged economically between two nations built on the same hierarchical structure that can be defined as state capitalism. Essentially, there is very little difference. They both run as authoritarian dictatorships while providing the illusion of democracy.

American Factory on Netflix documents how the USA is being colonized by China. China learned from the UK and the USA how to run a market economy. Now, they are poised to assume global economic dominance within the next five years. The colonizers have become the colonized.

Elon Musk says Chinese economy will surpass US by 2 or 3 times: ‘The foundation of war is economics’
“The foundation of war is economics,” Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk said at the Air Warfare Symposium in Orlando, Fla.
China will overtake the U.S. as world’s top economy in 2020, says Standard Chartered Bank
The report also predicts India’s economy will surpass the U.S. by 2030.

Learn your history about design. Vancouver’s skyline was designed by a Hong Kong-born architect, James K. M. Cheng.

James K. M. Cheng of Vancouver has been appointed for “helping to develop the Vancouver style of architecture, influencing the face of a city and a generation of Canadian architects.”

Three architects and architectural historian receive Order of Canada | Ontario Association of Architects
The Ontario Association of Architects is a self-regulating organization governed by the Architects Act, which is a statute of the Government of Ontario. The Association is dedicated to promoting and increasing the knowledge, skill and proficiency of its members, and administering the Architects Act,…

Cheng is best known for his green glass condominium towers in Vancouver that have helped create the architectural style known as “Vancouverism.”

Vancouverism: A Made-In-Vancouver Approach to Planning | SkyriseVancouver
Vancouverism is an urban planning phenomena that describes Vancouver’s built form, architecture and urban design.
Vancouver For Better or Worse: Vancouverism | News
“Vancouverism is characterized by tall, but widely separated, slender towers interspersed with low-rise buildings, public spaces, small parks and pedestrian-friendly streetscapes and facades to minimize the impact of high density population.” – The New York Times, December 28, 2005 Depending on w…
Vancouverism — Good Urban Planning, or Platitudes? | The Tyee
Former planner Larry Beasley’s new book provides an insider’s look at the principles that shaped the city.
Vancouverism | BC Studies
It’s best to start any study with a clear, concise, and irrefutable sentence. But “Vancouver is a place” is taking that axiom too far. And, as anyone who knows horses will tell you, a place is not a win. Larry Beasley arrived at Vancouver City Hall in 1976 and in 1994 became Co-Director of the …

The British Crown is pathetic in its posturing, public relations, and disinformation campaign to cow its ill-informed population to serve its economic interests. There is no longer any point maintaining any military presence in the colonies. The banks are working just fine.

A Long History of Genocide

What Canadians fail to understand is the wake of destruction left by the British Empire in their efforts to enrich themselves from the resources of other lands. A case in point might be the efforts to spread Christianity in China, undoubtedly bankrolled by their extensive “real estate assets” in “The New World.”

I am the descendant of a survivor of a genocide that resulted from the evangelistic efforts of Western European nations in China. The event is commonly known as the Taiping Rebellion.

“With no reliable census at the time, estimates of the death toll of the rebellion are necessarily based on projections. The most widely cited sources estimate the total number of deaths during the 15 years of the rebellion to be approximately 20–30 million civilians and soldiers. Most of the deaths were attributed to plague and famine.”

A Legacy
Hypothetically, what if the wife of a British police officer in Canton found a young girl orphaned by violence and social unrest in 19th century China? As refugees of the Taiping Rebellion, the…
Episode 67 – Canada’s genocide denial complex
Indigenous Peoples’ Month in Canada comes to an abrupt end with Canada Day on July 1 – who are the agents working hard to erase Canada’s genocidal history and present? And how can we combat the talking points that obscure, hide or make it dangerous to talk about genocide and colonialism? Please, pl…

Raising Our Voices

Reimagining Our Social Architecture

Fascist Architecture
A transcript of an excerpt from the excellent Nice Try! podcast about Utopias and how they go wrong. This episode is called Germania: Architecture in a Fascist Utopia. Traces of this fascist utopia…
The Next 100 Years of Bauhaus
We look back at the past as a guide for the present. Except that what we discover is that we have merely repeated the mistakes of the past, or completely misunderstood the idealism and creativity of…
Cultural Evolution, Social Physics, and Metaphysical Design
The spiritual vision of the Bauhaus was a faith in people’s ability to transform society for good by breaking down divisions and working together toward a common purpose.
Mental Models for Human Experience
Transcending human-centered design, this is design that seeks to learn from nature, to put into practice the knowledge and principles of biomimicry to reimagine and redesign our environment, to reconnect ourselves to our own humanity and to reconnect us to the earth and all living things.
To become a resilient society, we need to become the heroes and protagonists of a different story. Who are we? We are a builders collective. We are building leaders to design a resilient society.


A Coal Mine in Apple Park
An open letter to Justin Trudeau, Rachel Notley, Kinder Morgan, and the National Energy Board of Canada. Fossil fuels are a dead end. Compromise is not an option when so much is at stake. In…
A Green New Deal for Vancouver
Speakers and performers included Kanahus Manuel, David Suzuki, Harsha Walia, and Avi Lewis (The Leap), with MC Anjali Appadurai. I want to start by acknowledging that we are here on unceded lands…
Engaging in the Perpetuation of Genocide for 152 Years
NEB seeking public comment on the approach to resume the regulatory processes for the Trans Mountain Expansion Project. The comment period extends from June 21 to July 9, 2019. On June 18, 2019, the…