Public Relations
The British Crown is pathetic in its posturing, public relations, and disinformation campaign to cow its ill-informed population to serve its economic interests. There is no longer any point maintaining any military presence in the colonies. The banks are working just fine.

Public Relations on “Canada Day”
A very happy #CanadaDay to all our Canadian followers! July 1st marks the national day of Canada, with celebrations taking place across the country.
A very happy #CanadaDay to all our Canadian followers! July 1st marks the national day of Canada, with celebrations taking place across the country. 🇨🇦
— The Royal Family (@RoyalFamily) July 1, 2020
A Modest Proposal
The Nazis learned industrial-scale dehumanization from Canada’s bureaucratically architected apartheid system.
Canada’s Indian Reserve System served as a policy of Indigenous genocide preceding the Nazi concentration camps of World War II.
The Nazis learned industrial-scale dehumanization from Canada’s bureaucratically architected apartheid system.
— Stephen Bau (@bauhouse) July 1, 2020
Canada’s Indian Reserve System served as a policy of Indigenous genocide preceding the Nazi concentration camps of World War II.

A Canadian Patriot
Incorrect. They learned it from what had been happening for ten or so years next door in the Soviet Union. And what happened to Native people in Canada bears so little resemblance to the Holocaust or Rwandan that to call it genocide is Orwellian propaganda.
Incorrect. They learned it from what had been happening for ten or so years next door in the Soviet Union. And what happened to Native people in Canada bears so little resemblance to the Holocaust or Rwandan that to call it genocide is Orwellian propaganda.
— Incornsyucopia (@Incornsyucopia) July 2, 2020
A Modest Rebuttal
So, you believe the monarchy and the propaganda they have been feeding their royal subjects for 153 years?
Have you heard of the Berger Inquiry?
Berger Inquiry

A Canadian Genocide
Posted to Facebook on November 27, 2014 at 6:53 PM
Dene Chief Frank T'Seleie - Mackenzie Valley pipeline/Gas Project in 1975. Full text of speech before the Berger Commission.
We know that our grandchildren will speak a language that is their heritage. We know they will share their wealth and not hoard it, or keep it to themselves. We know they will look after their old people, and respect them for their wisdom.
We know they will look after this land and protect it, and that 500 years from now, someone with skin my colour, and moccasins on his feet, will climb up the ramparts and rest, and look over the river and feel, that he, too, has a place in the universe. And he will thank the same spirit that I thank. That his ancestors have looked after his land well. And he will be proud to be a Dene.
It is for this unborn child Mr. Berger, that my Nation will stop the pipeline. It is so that this unborn child can know the freedom of this land, that I am willing to lay down my life.
Mr. Berger - as Chief of the Fort Good Hope Band, I want to welcome you and your party to Fort Good Hope. This is the first time, in the history of my people, that an important person from your Nation has come to listen and learn from us. I believe you are an honest man. I believe you are a just man, Mr. Berger. Whether or not you're a businessman, or your government believes that a pipeline must go through our great valley...let me tell you, Mr. Berger. Let me tell your Nation that this is Dene land. We, the Dene people, intend to decide what happens on our land.
Mr Berger there will be no pipeline. There will be no pipeline because we have our plans for our land. There will be no pipeline because we no longer intend to allow our land and our future to be taken away from us, and that we are destroyed to make someone else rich.
There will be no pipeline, because we, the Dene people, are awakening to see the truth of the system of genocide that has been imposed on us and we will not go back to sleep.
We do not say we are better or worse than the white man. We are proud of who we are, proud to be Dene, and loyal to our Nation. But we are not saying we do not respect you and your ways. We are only asking now, as we asked you then, to let us live our own life, in our own way on our own land, without forever being threatened by invasion and extinction.
We do not want to have to fight and struggle forever, just to survive as a people.
Obviously, Mr. Blair, President of Foothills, and his friend Mr Hording, President of Gas Arctic, want to see us destroyed. Maybe Mr Blair, that is because you do not know us, or understand us. Or maybe money has become so important to you that you are losing your own humanity. Why are you trying to force us to be like you. You are directly responsible. You are the 20th Century's General Custer. You have come to destroy this Dene Nation. You are coming with your troops to slaughter us and steal land that is rightfully ours.
You are coming to destroy a people that have a history of 30 thousand years. Why? For 20 years of gas. Are you really that insane?
Posted by Richard Menec on Thursday, November 27, 2014

The Berger Inquiry
“The history of the Indian people for the last century has been the history of the impingement of white civilization upon the Indian: the Indian was virtually powerless to resist the white civilization; the white community of B.C. adopted a policy of apartheid. This, of course, has already been done in eastern Canada and on the Prairies, but the apartheid policy adopted in B.C. was of a particularly cruel and degrading kind.”
“They began by taking the Indians’ land without any surrender and without their consent. Then they herded the Indian people onto Indian reserves. This was nothing more nor less than apartheid, and that is what it still is today.”
—Thomas Berger, 1 November 1966
Canada’s Apartheid
“In fact, there is sufficient evidence to suggest and confirm that South African government officials received direct information, influence, and inspiration from Canada and its Native reservation system in conceiving and establishing spatial methods of racial segregation.”
The Canadian genocide has been working as designed for 153 years. The USA and the Nazis were fighting over who could be the most powerful fascists. The USA won the war and became the North American fascists with Canada as a puppet state. Why else would we buy a Texan pipeline?
Canada declared a climate emergency. The next day, the federal government goes around and approves the Trans Mountain pipeline, which I think is totally incompatible with climate emergency. It’s irrational.#ClimateEmergency
— Stephen Bau (@bauhouse) July 13, 2019
The Nazis tried to grow the Third Reich between 1933 to 1945. That is only 12 years. Canada was able to legalize their apartheid state and run it for the past 153 years. But the genocide started as soon as the Papal Bull, the Doctrine of Discovery, was issued in 1493.
Learn your history. There is no comparison between the Nazis and Canadians. We have been doing this for over 500 years. We have had a lot of practice and we have it down to a fine art. The legal system is a perpetual motion machine of genocide.
Here is a very well-researched excerpt from the book, Extraction Empire. Read this, then get back to me on your whitewashing of 500 years of Western European colonialism.

Here is a very well-researched excerpt from the book, Extraction Empire. Read this, then get back to me on your whitewashing of 500 years of Western European colonialism.
— Stephen Bau (@bauhouse) July 2, 2020
The research is documented by MIT Press in Extraction Empire.
“Globally, more than 75 percent of the world’s mining firms are based in Canada.”
Canada was formed from the Hudson’s Bay Corporation. It was built to extract resources for the British Crown.
The research is documented by MIT Press in Extraction Empire.
— Stephen Bau (@bauhouse) July 2, 2020
“Globally, more than 75 percent of the world's mining firms are based in Canada.”
Canada was formed from the Hudson’s Bay Corporation. It was built to extract resources for the British Crown.
Since the British Crown lost its global influence by abdicating its power and handing it to the United States of America, Canada now serves the USA as the resource extraction corporation that supplies the raw materials and fuel to run the American military-industrial complex.
As an economic colony of the United States of America, we should learn something about how Canada operates by understanding public relations and how the federal and provincial governments act as PR representatives for resource extraction corporations.
— Stephen Bau (@bauhouse) February 19, 2020
In Canada, our Premiers and Prime Ministers now serve as public relations representatives for American oil companies, purchasing pipelines to bail them out of failed investments, taking on debt that cannot be repaid with our existing infrastructure.
— Stephen Bau (@bauhouse) June 23, 2019
You, Justin Trudeau, are the public relations representative of fossil fuel companies, the climate change denier, the terrorist, and the perpetrator of a #CanadianGenocide for purchasing the debts of an Texan oil company. #ClimateEmergency
— Stephen Bau (@bauhouse) June 23, 2019
“We need to demand an end to the entire military-industrial complex that is fueling tar sands production and the global military-industrial complex that is occupying and killing black and brown people across the world.”
— Stephen Bau (@bauhouse) September 22, 2019
Free prior and informed consent is the standard put in place by our own legal systems. Clearly talk of reconciliation is a public relations strategy for social, economic, and political colonization. #CanadianGenocide #Colonization #WhiteSupremacy
— Stephen Bau (@bauhouse) February 8, 2020
You can have the government-imposed band councils opposing the hereditary chiefs if the government and corporations are intentionally setting up a “divide and conquer” strategy to muddy public opinion. It is a classic tactic of public relations.
— Stephen Bau (@bauhouse) February 20, 2020
As public relations representative for the Corporation of Canada, you talk of the benefits of the status quo by ignoring the people upon whose necks the boots of government, police, and corporations are standing and upon whose land Canada is benefiting.
— Stephen Bau (@bauhouse) March 5, 2020
The Canadian federal government has been kneeling on the necks of Indigenous people for as long as it has existed.
— Stephen Bau (@bauhouse) June 9, 2020
This is how the #CanadianGenocide works: through intransigent bureaucracy while children slowly expire under the weight of systemic racism.
Since Americans have mastered the art of genocide, Canada is, therefore, implicated in every military coup, bombing, and act of genocide that the USA has engaged in, from the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to the Facebook sponsored genocide in Myanmar.

Your problem is that you think too small. Think about the big picture and the social, economic, and political forces that are converging at this moment in a psychological and digital warfare between the superpowers of the world, USA and China.

The age of conventional warfare is over. This is the age of digital/psychological warfare. You have been duped by the asymmetry of power that corporations have over your thoughts and behaviour. As Tristan Harris puts it, large tech companies hold the joystick for human behaviour.

The war is already being waged economically between two nations built on the same hierarchical structure that can be defined as state capitalism. Essentially, there is very little difference. They both run as authoritarian dictatorships while providing the illusion of democracy.
American Factory on Netflix documents how the USA is being colonized by China. China learned from the UK and the USA how to run a market economy. Now, they are poised to assume global economic dominance within the next five years. The colonizers have become the colonized.

Learn your history about design. Vancouver’s skyline was designed by a Hong Kong-born architect, James K. M. Cheng.
James K. M. Cheng of Vancouver has been appointed for “helping to develop the Vancouver style of architecture, influencing the face of a city and a generation of Canadian architects.”

Cheng is best known for his green glass condominium towers in Vancouver that have helped create the architectural style known as “Vancouverism.”

The British Crown is pathetic in its posturing, public relations, and disinformation campaign to cow its ill-informed population to serve its economic interests. There is no longer any point maintaining any military presence in the colonies. The banks are working just fine.
A Long History of Genocide
What Canadians fail to understand is the wake of destruction left by the British Empire in their efforts to enrich themselves from the resources of other lands. A case in point might be the efforts to spread Christianity in China, undoubtedly bankrolled by their extensive “real estate assets” in “The New World.”
I am the descendant of a survivor of a genocide that resulted from the evangelistic efforts of Western European nations in China. The event is commonly known as the Taiping Rebellion.
“With no reliable census at the time, estimates of the death toll of the rebellion are necessarily based on projections. The most widely cited sources estimate the total number of deaths during the 15 years of the rebellion to be approximately 20–30 million civilians and soldiers. Most of the deaths were attributed to plague and famine.”

Raising Our Voices
"Art is active, and participation in the arts is a guarantor of other human rights because the first thing that is taken away from vulnerable, unpopular or minority groups is the right to self-expression" ~ The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada.
— Errol Nazareth (@ErrolNazareth) July 1, 2020
I believe these children prayed one day 4 Justice-true Justice won’t come in this world-but at least these dark secrets are coming up & their souls crying from these graves hopefully compels Canada 2 truly change. This hurts so bad. Imagine your child...
— Brandi Morin (@Songstress28) July 1, 2020
Indigenous Climate Action is hosting an Anti-Canada day webinar to tear down oppressive systems and uplift Indigenous peoples in so-called Canada.#CanadaDay #CanadaDay2020 #CANCELCANADADAY
— Harsha Walia (@HarshaWalia) July 1, 2020
Don't know why this wasn't originally published on Canada Day so I'm re-upping it here via @degendering
— Jimmy Thomson (@jwsthomson) July 1, 2020
Hi everyone! Today I recognize that according to the Royal Proclamation of 1763, issued by our head of state, the Crown, and never rescinded, #bc is 95% unceded land. This means that legally, the #RCMP should not have jurisdiction here. Today I honour #UnsettlingCanadaDay
— Little dying leaves (@katiepeheakoe) July 1, 2020
replace the entire British curriculum with this TikTok
— Róisín Lanigan (@rosielanners) June 29, 2020
Take a deep-dive into Canada's Genocide Denial Industrial Complex, our episode from last year:
— Nora Loreto (@NoLore) July 1, 2020
Enjoy these with a tall glass of lemonade and some radical literature.
If you wonder why oil companies don’t just become solar companies, it's for the same reason that Facebook doesn’t behave decently. An oil company’s core business is digging stuff up and burning it, just as Facebook’s is keeping people glued to screens
— Bill McKibben (@billmckibben) July 2, 2020
“I want to start by acknowledging that we are here on unceded lands, the lands of the Musqueam, Skxwú7mesh and Tsleil-Waututh people.”@HarshaWalia
— Stephen Bau (@bauhouse) September 22, 2019
“That the Doctrine of Discovery that founded Canada decreed that any land that was not inhabited by Christians was open for European settlement is genocide.”
— Stephen Bau (@bauhouse) September 22, 2019
Since the leaders of the nation state are constrained by their roles as PR representatives for a colony of the British Crown, its resource extraction corporations, and military police force…
— Stephen Bau (@bauhouse) February 19, 2020
“You’re trying to justify genocide with a piece of paper?”
You’re a terrorist.
— Stephen Bau (@bauhouse) June 23, 2020
“You’re trying to justify genocide with a piece of paper?” #CanadianGenocide
Reimagining Our Social Architecture

- Martlet: NEWS UNSETTLED | Reconciliation is dead
- The Narwhal: A foot on both sides of the line’: Q&A with Indigenous MLA Adam Olsen on Wet’suwet’en conflict
- The London Globalist: Reconciliation Is Dead – Coronavirus and the Fight for Indigenous Rights in Canada.