
The Economy

This is a perfect place to deconstruct the neoliberal capitalist ideology that presents such public preening and performance, worthy of the attention of the electoral population of the nation state, with economic propaganda in the guise of democratic political communication.

The public relations machinery of the Dominion of Canada distracts the population from the actual pursuits of the British Crown and its corporations, founded upon the Doctrine of Discovery, to extract the resources of the colonies and its labourers to secure economic power.

For such pursuits, the Crown requires a lackey, a court jester, a performance artist, who might willingly distract and deceive the population in exchange for the notoriety, monetary compensation, and political power commensurate with the inconveniences of the office.

Should such a public figure disgrace himself—for it must be a suitable patriarch with sufficient skills in social artifice and nobility of birth as can be found among the colonialists—to such a profound degree that he jeopardizes his office, distance from the Crown is paramount.

In the economic system devised by the corporations of the British Crown and duly administered by its justices and solicitors, lack of property and means might be met with a force asymmetrical to that used upon a criminal of stature guilty of theft at scales of magnitude greater.

However, the Crown must also distance itself from the improprieties of the failed colony, which has served, until recently, as a foil for the past public relations failures of the British Empire in building its corporations and economy on chattel slavery and free labour.

Public Relations
The British Crown is pathetic in its posturing, public relations, and disinformation campaign to cow its ill-informed population to serve its economic interests. There is no longer any point maintaining any military presence in the colonies. The banks are working just fine.

Since the former subjects of the British Crown in the corporate capitalist beachhead of Hong Kong face censure and incarceration as a result of the repatriation, or, rather, the hostile corporate takeover of yet another failed colony, the colonizer has become the colonized.

It is possible to believe a different story, beyond the intellectual constraints of the existing metanarrative that we collectively refer to as “the economy,” a fiction devised by the subjects and civil servants of the British Crown and its corporations.

Our time, energy, and creativity are being commodified as a “human resource” that can be exchanged for currency, which, when accumulated in sufficient quantities, can be employed in the acquisition of capital, property, and real estate.

Chattel slavery is the language of empire. Ownership and mastery, terms of social, economic, and political dominance in the Dominion of Canada, are a means of accessing the foundational values of the dominant social, economic, and political hierarchy: fame, money, and power.

China and the British Empire are reflections of the other. They currently represent the same system of state capitalism as iterations in form. Each espouses the ideologies of freedom and collective governance by the people, with the oversight of representative authorities.

The effect of conflict is to put enemies into an adversarial relationship. In a relationship, people reflect back to each other thoughts, ideas, actions, habits, and patterns of behaviour that eventually evolve into mirror images of the other.

The Language of Empire
In my own estimation, I wasn’t talented enough to make it as an artist. I would most likely become the stereotypical starving artist. So, I chose, at the age of 12, to become a commercial artist. My…

Architecture is ideology made manifest. @trufelman

Design is the representation of an idea. @ablerism

Media are extensions of who we are.
— Marshall McLuhan

Interdisciplinary Design and Social Architecture
The built environment is the physical infrastructure that contains and directs our social and economic relationships in patterns designed before we became aware of more effective and beneficial…

“…technological innovations are extensions of human abilities and senses that alter this sensory balance—an alteration that, in turn, inexorably reshapes the society that created the technology.”

— Marshall McLuhan

The Playboy Interview
In 1961, the name of Marshall McLuhan was unknown to everyone but his English students at the University of Toronto – and a coterie of academic admirers who followed his abstruse articles in small-circulation quarterlies. But then came two remarkable books – The Gutenberg Galaxy (1962) and Understan…

“The economy” is a man-made technology that is failing humanity, because its own internal logic of reductionism and dehumanization, built on the metaphor of humans as cogs in a machine of our own making, is destroying the natural biological technologies on which our lives depend.

If we continue to believe the story of scarcity, competition, and domination, we will destroy ourselves.

We need a new story to restore our humanity.

In this moment, we have an opportunity to collaborate and create, to reimagine our social architecture.

Mental Models for Human Experience
Transcending human-centered design, this is design that seeks to learn from nature, to put into practice the knowledge and principles of biomimicry to reimagine and redesign our environment, to reconnect ourselves to our own humanity and to reconnect us to the earth and all living things.